Finding Yourself in The Ecosystem

I've always been myself, but companies wanted me to keep up with them, their traditional culture. However, bringing together different ideas and different cultures will take them one step further, so that they can move with the times and develop organically.
I would like to give a few examples that may be familiar to many of you and that you will find yourself while reading. For example, I was warned that I did not dress in accordance with the dress code of the company because I attended an in-house event with jeans. Moreover, the event was a motivational event. Again, a very important client project which will enable me to reach my periodic turnover target and exceed it, also which I have achieved with my efforts, was rejected by my director just because we could not overcome the bureaucracy - one or two pages of paperwork. I don't think I need to describe how devastating this is. I saved my most interesting moment for last; I was warned by another manager just because I was friendly.
I can give many such examples. I mean, I could give, not anymore. Describing the ecosystem I'm in as a company would be too lame and artificial. We come here not by wearing masks or by embracing institutional norms, but how we feel, how we live. It won't be interesting to you anymore, in our human-centered ecosystem, we often ask each other how we feel. And for us, the word of human-centered has a more holistic sense, we are keen to create as much benefit as possible to our customers, suppliers, families, and you. I'm feeling the pleasure more deeply. It won't be interesting to you anymore. In our human-centered ecosystem, we often ask each other how we feel. If I said people-oriented, in this holistic sense, we intend to provide as much benefit as possible to our customers, suppliers, families, and you.
I genuinely know that my ideas are valued, I find areas of development much easier for myself, and I feel the pleasure of being an explorer more and more every day.